Pl@ntNet is a full-featured app developed by scientists from a variety of agricultural research associations, as well as plant aficionados and other plant industry professionals. Now you can find all the answers to any of your doubts about any kind of plant. Founded on the basis of collaborative knowledge and crowdsourced expertise, you'll get all the best information on plant care and horticulture with weigh-ins from the pros.
If you're looking to find out the scientific name for a specific flower or plant, all you have to do is take a quick snapshot. Then let Pl@ntNet scan, within a couple of seconds you get a full result. But, keep in mind you'll need a relatively high resolution, decent quality image for the app to work properly and identify the plant correctly.
Once the scanning process is over, your results are visible via a complete information sheet that covers your plant. The most popular images on the platform are shown so you can corroborate whether it correctly identified and matched up your plant. If it's not quite right, try it scanning it again and re-uploading it so that an expert can help you. Whenever Pl@ntNet is correct in matching your plant, it'll pull up a whole sheet of information about the plant at hand with all kinds of useful details and care instructions.
Thanks to this app you get to scan and find all kinds of plants no matter where you are. Plus, read through dozens of cards to check out other users' images. Vote for the best looking plants and enjoy the wonderful world of flora with a new high-tech twist with Pl@ntNet.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 6.0 or higher required
Very good excellent
It's fun, entertaining, and educational.